We offer guided spiritual experiences that help you:
Encounter Jesus, Discover your deepest identity, and Become His mission to the world.
Join a guided experience or attend on of our events!
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Be Seen
An eight week guided experience for individuals to discover what wonderful things Jesus will do for them if they trust Him to lead them to a wholehearted and joyful life.
On Fire
A life changing experience that invites people to journey in a community that helps deepen their relationship with Jesus, discover their innermost identity as beloved children of God, and experience healing and integration.
Join us for periodic events to meet new people or catch up with your old cohort! If you haven’t joined a guided experience yet, thats ok! We invite you to join us anyway.
By doing something ancient, we’re seeing Jesus do something new!
Meet Michel
Michel Therrien, STL, STD is the President and CEO of Preambula Group. As a theologian, teacher, and experienced ministry leader Dr. Therrien has the insights to help parish teams, pastors, and leaders build a culture of vibrancy in their parish or apostolate. He will accompany you as you strategize for evangelization, discipleship, and missionary outreach.
Learn more about how Michel can consult with you or speak at your parish.