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A testimony by Derek Weber

I had EVERYTHING…. according to society standards. I was an accomplished athlete, good student, had prestige, and a very successful career, but there was always something inside of me that was missing. I didn’t know what that was. I lived my life by the expectations of society and then God knocked me down one day with a hammer. I lost my business and was in a dark place which led to a deep depression.

I began searching and became engaged with my parish.  I saw an advertisement about The Way and felt I was being moved join and to not be afraid.  I didn’t know anyone and didn’t know what to expect, yet I felt I was being led to try it. I have since done On Fire.  Both these experiences have helped me discover the true meaning and purpose of my life.

Looking back God was waking me up.   I knew God was the true light, I just didn’t know how to get there.  Through The Way and On Fire I experienced a huge transformation.  I had lacked a relationship with God.  I learned to let the spirit live through me and to no longer turn my back on God. I now live with trust, not just talk, but I live my life how God wants me to live.

Praising him and recognizing everything is a gift. I put God at the center of everything. These experiences have made me a better disciple by spreading the Word through my actions and my words.  I have become a better dad and a better person to everyone around me.   One of my favorite quotes  from St. Francis de Sales is “Anxiety is the greatest evil that can befall a soul except sin. God commands you to pray, but He forbids you to worry.” God fixed my life for me.