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Mimika Garesché, MA, STL

Ministry Consultant & Founder of the On Fire Discipleship Collaborative

Mimika’s track record of helping others achieve spiritual breakthroughs and the realization of new potential make her a sought-after spiritual guide and an invaluable member of the Preambula Group.

She founded the ‘On Fire’ Missionary Discipleship Collaborative precisely to meet a serious need in the Church. This six-month immersive group experience has passed the 20th group threshold. It has helped others awaken a deeper understanding of God and helped them to understand their own gifts so they can live as missionary disciples where God has put them.

In addition to extensive experience as a spiritual director and retreat leader for more than twenty years, she also founded A Path Toward Healing which helps individuals work through and heal wounds suffered as members of the Church.

About Mimika

Mimika has her own amazing conversion story. Out of college she was hired to work with Citibank’s World Corporation Group and lived in Chile and Ecuador. She returned to New York to work in private banking were her clients included some of the wealthiest portfolio’s in Chile, Bolivia, and Peru.

Then God called her to use her gifts to bring others to Him. She changed her life trajectory and today she is a consecrated member of the Totus Tuus religious community in the Pittsburgh area of PA.


Mimika Garesché has an extensive education. Having earned advanced degrees in areas of study as diverse as ministry, business, education, and leadership provides a unique foundation from which to understand the human person.


Learn more about "On Fire"Learn more about "On Fire"
Degrees & Certifications
  • Licentiate in Scared Theology in Education and Development,
    Anahuac University, Mexico
  • Master of Arts in Marriage and Family,
    John Paul II Institute, Rome
  • Master of Arts in Spirituality, Certification in Spiritual Direction, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Economics,
    Colorado College 
  • Certification in Professional Coaching,
    Palumbo Donahue School of Business, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA


With decades of experience in spiritual direction and retreat leadership… you may want to work with Mimika…. what do you offer? … Invite her to speak at your parish or event on one of his topics of interest.  

Request a Call with MimikaRequest a Call with Mimika
  • Replace this list w/ testimonials?
  • Missionary Discipleship 
  • Role of the Laity in the Church  
  • Co-Responsibility of Clergy and Laity  
  • Christian Morality 
  • Christian Spirituality  
  • Catholic Social Teaching 
  • Teachings of Recent Popes 
  • Vatican II 
  • Faith and Popular Culture 
  • Ethics and Culture 
  • The Basics of the Catholic Faith